Versionen im Vergleich


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Here is an example of an Automation for adding the issue key with a hashtag to work logs synchronized to MOCO with advanced synchronization.image-20240710-084325.pngImage Removed


  1. Trigger: Work was logged

  2. If-else condition

  3. If the comment in the work log already starts with a hashtag, nothing will happen. Only the comment of the work log is logged.

  4. Else, a {{smart values}} condition:

    1. First value: {{worklog.comment}}

    2. Condition: does not match regular expression

    3. Regular expression: ^#.*$

  5. A web request is executed that updates the work log ( )

    1. URL: {{baseUrl}}/rest/api/3/issue/{{issue.key}}/worklog/{{}}

    2. HTTP-Method: PUT

    3. Web request body: Custom data

    4. Custom data:

        "comment": {
          "content": [
              "content": [
                  "text": "#{{issue.key}} {{worklog.comment}}",
                  "type": "text"
              "type": "paragraph"
          "type": "doc",
          "version": 1
    5. Header
