


Users often forget to change the status of a ticket when working on it. As a result, tickets are often taken directly from To Do to Done.
As a result, there is no up-to-date information about who is currently working on what and certain reports are distorted.

To counteract this problem, there is the Jira Popup Plugin.

As soon as a user opens a ticket that has the status To Do and the user is also the editor, a timer starts. This timer is symbolised by a green stopwatch and a badge on the tab icon.

If the timer reaches zero before the status of the ticket changes, the user gets a hint that he should change the status of the ticket when working on it.

Both the time of the timer and the content of the pop-up can be set individually for each project.



Timer in Issue View

Reminder popup

Completely customisable

As soon as a user opens the issue and the status is in the To Do category, the timer starts running. This is indicated by a badge in the tab and the green stopwatch.

A pop-up that kindly reminds the user to change the status of the issue if he is currently working on it.


Limitation to individual projects, issue types and status categories. Time until pop-up completely configurable. The pop-up contents are freely selectable.